40th annual
Thanksgiving for
Paso Robles
All are welcome to enjoy a free Thanksgiving meal
Thursday, November 28, 2024
12 – 2pm
Centennial Park Activity Center
About US
A celebration of thanks serving over 1,500 community members a traditional Thanksgiving meal at no cost. A true expression of community that brings diverse people together to share the day with others. All made possible through the generosity of caring individuals, students, organizations, churches, and businesses.
donate & VOLUNTEER
Please help provide a delicious handmade Thanksgiving dinner for our community of friends and families. Thanksgiving for Paso Robles is funded entirely by donations from the community. You can help by providing a tax-deductible donation. All volunteers must be 14 years of age or older to volunteer; to work in the kitchen you must be at least 16 years or older. We encourage families with younger children to sign up to deliver meals.
Donations can also be sent to:
Thanksgiving for Paso Robles, P.O. Box 662, Paso Robles, CA 93447
501-C-3 Organization
Federal ID # 61-1495397
dinner DETAILS
sit down Meal
All are welcome to enjoy a traditional sit-down Thanksgiving meal at no cost from 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM at Centennial Park Activity Center, 600 Nickerson Road, Paso Robles, CA.
We will have a limited number of to-go meals available for pickup. The to-go window will open at 1:30 PM and will remain open until 3:00 PM or until we run out of meals.
For those who are homebound, we have volunteers to deliver you a warm Thanksgiving meal. Please use the button below to submit a delivery request.
If you don't have internet access, call (805) 239-4137 to leave a message requesting delivery. Your message must include Your Name, Phone Number, Delivery Address, and Number of Meals.​
Deliveries will be confirmed via email or phone before Thanksgiving Day. If you don't hear from us, call.
Oven Roasted Turkey | Ham | Mashed Potatoes & Gravy | Dressing
Mixed Vegetables | Salad | Candied Yams | Cranberry Sauce | Rolls | House-baked Pies